In Florida, every nursing home resident is afforded specific rights. Nursing home negligence claims are brought by patients and their families against nursing homes and their staff for violations of a resident's rights. Claims may also be brought for injuries related to inadequate care, supervision, or support.
Nursing home negligence claims are similar to medical malpractice claims in that they are both governed by complex sets of statutes and rules. For this reason, it is essential that anyone pursuing a claim against a nursing home or other similar care facility contact an attorney with sufficient experience handling such claims. Call Robert today to find out how he can help you obtain justice for yourself or your loved one's mistreatment.
If you believe you may have a claim for nursing home negligence, do not wait until it's too long. Florida has strict timeframes for when a claim must be filed. Although there are exceptions, it is important to speak with an attorney experienced in nursing home negligence to guide you through the process.
Robert is passionate about helping people so don't hesitate to contact him to discuss your nursing home negligence case. There's no obligation to retain him and the consultation is always free.